A Blitz Competition with Art
All Devon and Cornwall chess players are invited to a unique event in Plymouth on the evening of Friday 19th May.
Artist Miranda Housden will be exhibiting 32 paintings of chess pieces representing people who have had a significant impact on her life. A sample of her paintings is below.
The exhibition’s opening launch will be on Friday 19 May at Manor Street Galleries, The Old Morgue, Plymouth. During the private viewing (6pm to 8:30pm) we will staging a Blitz chess competition, organised by Tony Tatam and his trusty Swiss Manager software. Time controls will be 10 minutes plus 2 second increments. There will be five (or possibly six) rounds, using Swiss pairings.

At around 9pm Miranda will present the winner with a beautifully crafted handmade lead-crystal goblet engraved with chess pieces by internationally renowned glassmaker Gill Mannings Cox, commissioned by Miranda in memory of her grandfather Richard Kenber. The trophy will be for the winner to keep and display for a year.
After the chess there will be a cash bar (with food available) and live music by Mariachi Camino, Mexican Mariachi band, within the setting of Miranda’s 32 chess paintings.
Entry is free, and open to all members of chess clubs (or schools) in Devon and Cornwall - to enter simply email Phil McConnell at [email protected] with your name and club. Please enter as soon as possible, as having a good idea of numbers will help with logistics.
The venue is The Old Morgue, 14-17 Manor St, Stonehouse, Plymouth PL1 1TL - about a 20 minute walk (or a very short taxi ride) from Plymouth Railway Station. There is street parking nearby, or you can use Martin Street Car Park, postcode PL1 3NE.
A list of the players who have entered can be viewed here.