Torbay League AGM held on 6th June 2019
The AGM of the Torbay League was attended by twelve members from six clubs:
- Brixham: Mike Cuggy
- Newton Abbot: Andrew Kinder (Chairman), Paul Brooks, Mike Hussey, Trefor Thynne
- Plymouth: Martin Quinn, Derek Scantlebury, Tony Tatam
- South Hams: Ben Wilkinson (Competition Secretary)
- Teignmouth: Ray Chubb
- Torquay Boys' Grammar School: Luke Glasson, Ben Sturt.
Several significant points emeregeed from the AGM.
Brixham hoping to return to the Torbay League
We are delighted to learn that Brixham are hoping to return to the League next season after a long absence.
Use of the ECF League Management System
The Torbay Chess League successfully adopted the ECF's League Management System ("LMS") for the 2018-19 season. If you have not yet accessed it, you will find a complete record of League match results, League tables and player statistics on the ECF LMS website. Next year it will become possible for individual team captains to enter results directly onto the system rather than sending them to the Competition Secretary.
Ben Wilkinson Standing Down as Competition Secretary
Ben Wilkinson is standing down after several years excellent work in the post of Competition Secretary. The work of the Competition Secretary should be much less arduous than in the past because of the recently-implemented ECF League Management System (see above). Therefore the role, though still important in terms of monitoring the League's competitions and applying the Rules, should carry a lighter workload. If any member of a club affiliated to the Torbay Chess Leagueis interested in taking on the post he/she should contact either Andrew Kinder, League President, or Phil McConnell, League Secretary.
Presentation of Trophies
The end-of-season trophies were presented to club representatives and winners of individual and "Players of the Year" awards. Congratultions to all the teams and individuls winning trophies.