Using Digital Clocks - Concise Guidance
This page assumes that you are using a DGT 2010 clock. If you are using the DGT 3000, please consult the detailed guidance.
Setting and Starting the Clock
- Before the start of the game, turn the clock on using the press-button on the underside of the clock.
- The clock will normally "remember" the settings from the last time it was used. On power-up it will display a blinking "Option Number".
- For TCL rapidplay games - use Option 16 (25 minutes plus 10 seconds per move).
- For TCL standardplay games not involving TBGS - use Option 18 (Fischer, or incremental, timings with the times manually set).
- For TCL standardplay games involving TBGS - use Option 05 (time and "guillotine" period manually set).
- If the applicable Option number is not flashing, use the blue plus and minus buttons
to bring up the applicable Option.
- Press the blue tick button
to select the applicable Option.
- Unless you are uisng Option 16 (which is "hard-wired" for 25 minutes plus 10 seconds per move), you should check that the clock has "remembered" the correct time controls for the applicable Option. Keep pressing the blue tick button
to confirm each digit of each time parameter. If a digit is not correctly set, then, before pressing the tick button, use the blue plus and minus buttons
to correct that digit.
- Place the clock on the table and elevate the grey lever on White's side. The clock then "knows" which player is White, and displays a small white king symbol on White's clock, and a small black king symbol on Black's clock.
- Start White's clock by pressing the central blue play/pause button
. To pause the clocks (e.g. for the tea interval) press the same button; to restart the clocks after a pause it is the same button once again. Be careful when pressing this button not to do so for more that 2 seconds, as this will throw the clock into a manual clock adjustment mode.
What Happens When One Player Reaches the Primary Time Control
The Primary Time Control (75 ninutes for the first 35 moves) is only used by the TCL for for standardplay matches involving TBGS. With digital clocks, the 15 minutes is NOT added on after Black's 35th move (as is normally done with analogue clocks). Instead, the extra 15 minutes for each player is added automatically when the first player reaches his primary time control.
A black flag will show on the clock of the first player to reach the primary time control; this will disappear after 5 minutes.
What Happens When One Player Runs Out of Time
If a player runs out of time his clock will display a blinking black flag. Under the Laws of Chess, a player is not deemed to have run out of time until his opponent makes a valid claim to that effect (or until the arbiter observes the fact). So if you want to claim a win on time, the onus is on you to make a valid claim to that effect. If a draw is agreed before such a claim is made, then the game is a draw, even if one player's clock is showing that he has run out of time.
If you are observing a game and notice that one player could claim a win on time, YOU MUST NOT POINT THIS OUT - in exactly the same way that you would not suggest a move to either player. Claiming a win on time is considered "part of the game", and you must not offer a player advice on this during the game.