Torbay League AGM held on 7th June 2018
The AGM of the Torbay League was attended by eleven members from five clubs.
- Newton Abbot: Andrew Kinder (Chairman) and Mike Hussey
- South Hams: Phil McConnell (Secretary), Ben Wilkinson (Competition Secretary), Alan Davies (Treasurer) and Steve Levy
- Plymouth: Tony Tatam, Derek Scantlebury and Gary Behan
- Teignmouth: Ray Chubb
- Torquay Boys' Grammar School: Ben Sturt.
Using the ECF League Management System
Ben Wilkinson (Competition Secretary) told the meeting that next season he plans to use the ECF's League Management System (LMS). This will mean that up-to-date results, league tables, player statistics, etc. will be available online as soon as results have been entered. For 2018-19, team captains will send Ben the results on our familiar result sheets, and Ben will enter the results into the system. At the end of the season we will review whether it is practical for team captains to start entering their results directly. Ben has been experimenting with the LMS using results from the 2017-18 season; click here to view what he has produced to-date.
Final Torbay League Results and Tables for 2017-18
Ben Wilkinson presented the final league tables and results for the 2017-18 season:
New Website for the Torbay Chess League
Phil McConnell demonstrated a prototype of the website that you are visiting now. The meeting agreed that this shoud go live and become the official website for the Torbay Chess League.
Presentation of Trophies
The end-of-season trophies were presented to club representatives and winners of individual and "Players of the Year" awards. Congratultions to all the teams and individuls winning trophies.

Incremental Time Controls
It was generally agreed that the time controls introduced for the 2017-18 season (60 minutes plus 30 seconds per move) were successful. However, due to concerns about occasional for late finishes for juniors, it was agreed that next season matches involving TBGS will revert to the using the previous time controls (35 moves in 75 minutes followed by a 15 minute quickplay finish).